Warning! Reading this page WILL save you a lot of time searching for things online...
"Who Else Wants To Find The Perfect
Total Idiot's Guide To Save Them So Much
Time Searching For Information Online?"
If that's you,... you're already amongst the top 7% of most efficient people!
- By Paul Selson
From the Desk of:
Paul Selson,
Friday, 1303hrs EST
Your time is valuable so I'm not going to drag you into a mind numbing explanatory letter...
Are You Looking for Step-by-Step Guides,
How-to e-Books or How-to Videos?
If so, you've arrived in just the right place.
It doesn't matter if you're looking for;
==> Stop Your Child Wetting the Bed Fast
==> Job Interview Secrets
==> How to Repair Your Credit
==> How to Avoid Becoming A Victim of Identity Theft
==> The Cold Sore Elimination System
... we'll have a ForTotalIdiots Guide to answer your dilemma.
This website is intended to provide the much needed "For Total Idiots Step-by-Step Guides" on How to do the things that you haven't got time to find out for yourself, whatever it may be for you personally.
I'm sure there are many things that you have wanted or needed to do, but either didn't understand how to do it, or didn't have the time or inclination to investigate the step by step system needed.
Whatever it may be, we've either got a Step-by-step Guide to help you with it, or if not...
We'll Research and Write the
Guide You're Looking for Specifically!
If we haven't got the Guide you're looking for, let us know exactly what you want to know and we'll have one of our writers put it together for you in no more than ten days.
We have amassed many thousands of 'How-to Reports' over the years, some written by me, and some that I have purchased the Resell Rights to.
So, instead of me giving you a huge list, ... you tell me what you're looking to find out 'How to do', and I'll come back to you with the necessary info., does that sound fair to you? ;o)
Okay, so you understand the purpose of this website, all that remains to do is for you to tell us what you're looking for. Fill out the form below or if you prefer send and email to the email address shown below.
What Guide Titles Do You Already Have Available?
To get a complete list of all the guides we currently have available, enter your information in the boxes below and hit enter.
We'll even send You a FREE Copy of our Special Report " 17 Tips to Drop Fat Fast!"
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Let me know if I can be of any help with anything.
We look forward to helping you to find your individual help.
Thanks for reading,
All the Best,
Paul Selson
Editor, ForTotalIdiots.com
P.S. Do You have an e-Book, Report or Course of your own that you would
like to convert into a 'Guide ForTotalIdiots'?
If so, email: clientsupport [AT] ForTotalIdiots . com (Change[AT] to @)
Articles | Auto Compensation | Budget Travel | Car Buying Advice | Credit Repair
Detox Information | Family Budget | Fund Raising | Goal Setting | Home Schooling
Improving Credit | Job Interviews |
Low Cholesterol | Online Shopping | Stop Bed Wetting
Travel Guide | Website Promotion | Weight Loss Review | Weight Loss Tips | For Total Idiots